Healing With Dr. Priya Kaul

Narcissism: Who, What, Why and Healing

Who would say that a narcissist is a positive person? No one. Narcissus, a hunter who is known for his beauty, fell in love with his own reflection. That is why we call a person a narcissist if he has a sense of too much self-importance. A narcissist does not show empathy in situations when it is needed. Instead, they always seek admiration for themselves.

Have you ever met someone and observed that he is grandiose, unable to take criticisms in the right manner, and shows no respect for someone’s feelings? Certainly, you have met a narcissist.

Underlying situations that make a person a narcissist

We cannot deny the fact when we are around such people, we feel negative energies playing around with us. The journey of being a narcissist begins with childhood. When a parent puts the child on a pedestal or controls too much, narcissism begins. When the parent is overprotective or neglects the child, it creates a negative impact. When societies promote too much individualism and self-promotion, unknowingly they pave the way for people to become narcissistic. Men are more likely to get Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Genetics too, play a role in this. People inherit characteristics from their parents as well.

Mental health
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Are you a narcissist?

 It is equally important to identify if you feel that you show certain behaviors related to narcissism. Instead of avoiding any behavioral or issue or disorder, it is better to confront it. The acceptance of any disorder would help you to heal it. Life is never about ‘me, me & me’. You cannot always be defensive about your opinions. People can hold a multitude of opinions and it is perfectly fine.

Spot a narcissist

The narcissists manipulate you. Their selfishness is extreme and at the expense of others. Unknowingly or knowingly, they won’t care about your feelings. They exploit you and you start losing confidence in yourself. It ruins your relationships. At the first sight, you would find the narcissist person very charming and they will put more than the required efforts to create a strong bond with you. The moment you are disappointed, they would turn revengeful.  

How healing sessions can help you

A life coach or can heal someone who has been the victim of narcissism. Quite often, the victim experiences the darkest phase of their lives. Through coaching and the healing process, you get a supportive environment to overcome. Bringing spirituality into the picture, a coach helps the victim to regain himself and withdraw mental associations with a narcissist. This process helps the victim to focus on positive energies and find their ‘true self’ which they were before. At Healing with Priya Kaul, we help you overcome the obstacles in your life. With small steps at the beginning of the journey, we make people dream and revive themselves. A well–crafted healing session helps them to begin a new chapter of their lives.

3 Responses

  1. Very informative thanks for such a write up. I today’s time many couples are suffering because of narcissism…. And the worst part is the one who is in pain doesn’t realize that he/ she is a victim and needs help. This article will encourage such people to open their minds and seek help

  2. Do you think narcissism can be treated, or is it something that someone has to live with their whole life?”

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