Violet flame also is known as lau, fire, or light is one of the most powerful spiritual energies and is a means to clear blocks within our bodies. The Violet flame has a direct impact and healing on the mind, body and soul, and can bring about immense changes and improvements in a person’s life.
The Violet Flame is an excellent means for us to eliminate the negative elements from our lives and to convert these to positive changes. This is an excellent means to help forgive ourselves and others and to help us overcome the wrong doings. Reciting the violet flame mantra helps in erasing the negative records completely from within. These also help in replacing all the negative energies into more positive energies. Reciting the mantra helps reduce the negative records from memory of the body and helps in replacing the negative energies like unforgiveness, anger, hate and other painful memories.
The flame is a means to help overcome and erase the memories, and possible cause of sins in our lives. The Violet flame is also referred to as the ‘Flame of Transmutation’, “Flame of Mercy’, ‘Flame of freedom’, ‘Flame of forgiveness’. The Violet flame is one of the most effective means of resolving blockages and also purifying karma negativity. This is a powerful form of imagery and can help the overall spiritual journey to a very big extent. The violet flame to a great extent is a means to create the space needed to help in heal any soul and the colour on its own has a number of healing properties as well. Reach out to us to know more and learn more about the Violet Flame and its benefits.
3 Responses
This is such a powerful reminder of how spiritual energy can help us release negativity. I’m excited to try the Violet Flame mantra for myself!
The concept of transforming negative energies into positive ones through the Violet Flame is truly beautiful. This is exactly what I need in my life right now.
It would be helpful to explain how the Violet Flame practically impacts the mind, body, and soul. Providing specific examples would make the content more relatable.