Lions Gate Meditation
Every Year from July 26 - Aug 8th the Lion's Gate Portal Opens, creating a spectacular super charged energy and Illuminated time. We will embark on a journey of releasing all the negative thoughts and self limiting beliefs. We will then activate our inner flame and explore our authentic selves and aspirations, and set into motion the ability to manifest these with the energy of Lions Gate. This is a magical time for all, regardless of your faith, or belief system. We all come together with the Lions Gate Portal energy...
Guided Full Moon Meditation
Bring Peace and Control Anger. As the moon is connected to spiritual practices, it is very good to meditate on a full moon day. Moreover, the moon has an effect on water and our body is approximately 70% water. Hence on the day of Purnima or full moon it is beneficial to do meditation.....
The Spiritual Gaia
Connecting and Experiencing Our Inner Being. The Spirit of Gaia is the sacred consciousness of the planet, also referred to in some indigenous cultures as Mother Earth. It is a belief that there is a spirit in everything; in each blade of grass, in each petal of a flower... There are energy and consciousness in each drop of water and each grain of sand. Gaia is evolving as humanity is evolving. It is an interlinked partnership. As humanity shifts to a higher vibration and changes, so does the planet. There is a lot of physical earth movement and changes occurring at the moment, as Gaia is shifting and aligning her energy to hold and support this higher vibration...
Sense of Protection and Connecting with Angels. Angels are highly developed spiritual beings whose life mission is to guide us and help us in our everyday lives......
White Light Meditation
Will Give You Protection and will Control Your Anxiety. White Light Meditation is a powerful way to purify your energy and align with our true heart's desires.....
Inner Child
Stop Conflict Between Heart & Mind and Acknowledge Yourself. When we are disconnected from our inner-child, we may have a difficult time setting and maintaining healthy boundaries, or being in an authentic connection with the world around us. With this 15 minute guided meditation, you will learn to communicate with the most vulnerable aspect of your being, so you can step into your mature, integrated self....
Pink Light Meditation
For Sending & Receiving Loving Energies From Divine. The Pink Light Technique is ancient in origin and can be used to heal relationships. It involves imagining yourself within a sphere of pink light, radiating from your heart. Before, one-by-one, covering yourself and others in the pink light....